måndag 16 november 2020

Orkar inte

Jag orkar inte vara så aktiv här.
Family is everything and then comes work but work comes kind of first so that you have money to give your family what it needs. It's a hårfin line. 🦸‍♂️

This Coronathing with all the restrictions is killing me! I can't find the gun emoji. 

Love, peace and unity 💖✌🏻
Love life and always be happy for what you have, always 💖✌🏻

This thing about being happy for what you have utgår från att man häv allting man need. If you do have a really crappy life, it is hard to be happy for what you have. Aj utgå från ö I-landsliv like mine, ok?! ☺️

1000 dagar

I morse hörde jag på radion, att det idag är 1000 dagar sedan Ryssland gick in i Ukraina. I hate war forever. I love and miss you grandma. &...